
10 Helpful Tips (Do's and Dont's) for Females in 2009

In no particular order, here's what I came up with. I figured we could all use a little bit of help or refreshing of the memory sometimes. If you think you don't need any, foolish you and don't read it...

1. Keep bringing up past relationships to a minimum. No guy wants to hear about you with your past man and feel like he is still competing with him. That causes him to wonder if he doesn't keep your attention enough and is anything he doing brand new? (A little Drake for ya)

2. Please! And I repeat PLEASE! Tell your friends when they are looking a mess. If their outfit does not look good, you need to tell them that. If you think they look funny, what do you think a guy is going to think? For first dates, don't do too much. Keep it simple with a couple accessories and light on the makeup. Bring your personality because that is what he wants to get to know, not how much cubic zirconia and plastic you can manage to go with your outfit.

3. DO NOT think you can go and change a man. If you have a boy then that is another story. But a man, being the stubborn creatures that we are, becomes stuck in our ways once we get to a certain point. HE and only HE can decide if he wants to make a change and he'll let you know that. If not, move on to the next my good sister.

4. UNDERSTAND that he leads a life too. So this means if he doesn't answer a call or text, it may be because he's busy. Just because he does not answer you right away is not reason to start getting suspicious, unless you start to see a habit developing.

5. When you know that you did something wrong (even though women are always right) just ADMIT it. It will make the man happy and make you seem like a better person for being able to admit that you were wrong and MOVE ON.

6. Speaking of moving on, once you say that you forgive a man about something. It's OVER! That means do not bring it up everytime something happens that may not even be related to that situation. Now I'm not telling you to forget it, you should remember and take note but DO NOT bring it up!

7. I thought this was evident but apparently it's not... SHAVE!!! I am sorry, but there is nothing attractive about a peach fuzz on your upper lip. And girls, I know we not the only one to see this so say something to your girl because we find it very hard, nearly impossible to address your mustache without being rude, for real though!

8. Don't be so selfish all the time. Do what he likes to do sometimes. If he wants to sit and play video games, try and play with him. He could care less how good you are, but the fact that you are trying to do something to entertain him means more than you think. Be playful, sing, act goofy. He wants to know the real you and the fun you, not some front you try to put on because you're trying to be cool and impress him.

9. A man can take only but so much teasing before he needs some Pleasing! Don't get me wrong, engage in foreplay but too much just makes a man restless and maybe even annoyed. And when pleasing him, switch it up. Try new things! It should not be routine like your walk through the mall. Though it may feel good, it gets BORINGGG!

10. Better Communication!!! STOP saying, "o.. Nothin" when a guy asks you what's wrong. That is one of the most annoying things ever. Granted, it may be nothing wrong with you, women know how much some men are oblivious to how a woman is feeling so if he does think something is wrong, chances are, THERE IS! And communication doesn’t stop there. It also goes for the bedroom. Tell him what you like. Tell him where to touch if he’s not touching there. But say it in a seductive way, not belittling or demanding (unless yall are into that kind of stuff).

Bonus*** This may seem stereotypical but not meaning to at all, so don’t judge til the end but COOK!!! There are very few things a man appreciates more than a home cooked meal. It may remind them of their mother and not that he will see you as his mother but there are also few connections that a man has stronger than the one between him and his mother. It shows that you care and want to make sure he’s feeling good. Even if you can’t cook, TRY! I promise he’ll appreciate the effort more than anything else!!!

Truly Yours,

G Curt

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